Thursday, March 27, 2014

Coconut Oil Hair Mask

You can't log onto Pinterest without seeing the gazillion amazing uses for coconut oil. Weeeellll... I'm a total CO junkie, so I kinda buy into it all. Like the Dad from My Big Fat Greek Wedding & his Windex.

Total cure-all.

My mask is simple: Coconut oil, Lavender, and Tea Tree Oils

If you don't do your research, you can end up with a mess. Here are some tips that I think a lot of the DIY hair mask posts are missing:

  1. Use organic (duh)
  2. Don't nuke it! Your body heat will be enough to melt it, so just use your hands.
  3. Apply to dry hair (refer to oil vs water)
  4. Cover your head to trap some heat. This will open your hair shaft and your hair will drink up the goodness!
  5. To rinse out, DON'T GET YOUR HAIR WET before applying your cleansing conditioner (or shampoo if you aren't on the bandwagon yet). 
  6. Also, don't use cool water because the coconut oil will become solid in a hurry.
  7. Use warm water and cleanse, hydrate, and style as usual.
  8. I do this weekly, but just experiment & see what works for you!

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